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Prioritizing Refactoring Opportunities

Refactoring's Clarification

In software engineering, refactoring refers to the process of restructuring existing source code aiming at optimizing its operation while preserving its functionality.

This involves making incremental modifications to the code's current structure, effectively revisiting the original decomposition (factoring) of a complex problem into more manageable parts.

For example, in object-oriented programming, refactoring might involve reorganizing enlarged -thus, hard to manipulate- classes/objects or high-coupled classes/objects into more modular and flexible structures, highly-coherent, each responsible for a specific aspect of the problem domain.

Refactoring's Motivation

The goal of refactoring is to improve the code's structure and readability, making it easier to be maintained, understood, reused, and secured. In other words, it establishes an impactful way to reduce technical debt, ensuring the long-term health and sustainability of the code, essentially by turning dirty code into clean.

Figure 1

Source: vincentdnl

Technically, the main idea behind refactoring is to streamline the non-functional requirements of the code. Primarily aimed at optimizing the code for readability and maintainability, refactoring can also serve as an adapter of the future code's changes and an amplifier of the code's optimization perspectives.

Refactoring's Initiation

It is a fact that in large and complex projects refactoring opportunities are difficult to be distinguished and prioritized. Many times the information is overwhelming. When and where to start from arises as a double-headed question that invokes hesitation and denial.

Hesitation can stem from uncertainty about the impact of refactoring on the project timeline and fear of introducing new flaws, while denial may be due to reluctance to acknowledge the need for refactoring or underestimating its benefits.

Refactoring's Discouragement

So, determining the right time to start refactoring prerequisites the recognition of code smells, that is warning signs of particular code areas that experience deeper inefficiencies. Even if the code smells are observable by skilled developers, yet the decision is not straightforward as we further need to decide where to start refactoring from.

This process is complex indeed and acts deterrently. On the other hand, as far as we turn aside from refactoring, the technical debt accrues.

Refactoring's Desirable Involvement

Tool-assisted automation can efficiently scatter all reasonable second thoughts related to refactoring engagement and trigger an optimization process that could lead to the overhaul of the software's solid 1 design principles and reduce its complexity.

The Cyclopt platform serves as an automated, data-driven decision mechanism that primarily realizes code quality assessment. It facilitates continuous refactoring involvement effectively. The Cyclopt-driven refactoring operation guides the streamlining process relying on three foundational elements:

a. Identification of key refactoring options:

Cyclopt quickly identifies refactoring opportunities by evaluating their impact precisely. The platform offers a detailed analysis for the four prominent characteristics of standardized code quality: Maintainability, Security, Readability, and Reusability. This enables users to swiftly recognize the most serious non-functional issues within their codebase that could severely influence the functionality of their software.

figure 1

b. Comprehensive Analysis of Quality Metrics

Cyclopt allows users to delve into specific metrics that influence code quality, such as Complexity, Coupling, Inheritance, Documentation, Size, and Cohesion. For each supported programming language, different combinations of metrics quantify each of the four critical dimensions of code quality. This analysis concentrates either on discovering the areas of greatest concern or those with the most room for improvement.

figure 2

The Cyclopt platform enables the organization of code files based on multiple criteria, tailoring the tool to meet user preferences and requirements. Its primary goal is to identify, analyze, and present all detectable code smells ranked by their severity. This approach assists team leaders and developers in quickly making impactful decisions to address the most critical issues.

figure 3

c. Prioritization of High-Impact Code Changes

Leveraging Cyclopt for refactoring ensures that all optimization efforts are directed towards areas that can provide the most value. The platform prioritizes code sections that yield significant enhancements when refactored. It evaluates code both quantitatively and qualitatively, focusing on the severity of issues rather than their frequency. This approach allows for the prioritization of code files based on the criticality of the violations, rather than the quantity of the coding flaws. Cyclopt offers a consistent pathway to streamlining the codebase.

figure 4

For each metric, Cyclopt provides actionable recommendations for refactoring, targeting specific code segments for enhancement.

figure 5

This structured approach not only highlights immediate areas for improvement but also empowers developers with actionable insights for refining their code, thereby elevating overall code quality and facilitating a more maintainable, secure, readable, and reusable codebase.

  1. In fact, solid stands for the five prominent principles of object-oriented design: a. Single Responsibility, b. Open/Closed Principle, c. Liskov Substitution, d. Interface Segregation, e. Dependency Inversion

Automated Software Quality Assurance

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